4 Steps For Increasing Your Patience
Some people seem to be naturally patient, while others seem to struggle with increasing patience because of their strong/hard natures or how they were nurtured.
The Death of Diplomacy and The Impact On Children
Diplomacy is dying. Political activists and legislators are putting on their boxing gloves too as they suit up to protect their projects against these angry people.
One Easy Way To Increase Emotional Maturity In Children
Sadly, teaching strategies for proper social and emotional health are often unorganized and conflicting. Parents are left feeling like they need to choose between teaching children to have self-control and teaching children to be emotionally heard. These choices seem like opposites to most people.
Are You Teaching Children Discernment?
An online school teacher was recently giving me the highlights of his career. He proudly told me that his favorite part of his job was that he gets to teach children discernment. I could see how this would be exciting for him but was also instantly concerned. A series of “what if” questions came to mind.
Stand Out & Speak Up – Self-Government Principles For Our Day! (Curriculum)
Parents and school administrators have requested that I make a short, free curriculum that parents can use to help their children navigate some of the social issues children are often forced to encounter at young ages.
Hurting or Helping Children , The Battle For Hearts And Loyalties
Think of the voices that surround our children. Voices leading children to love money, God, family, power, popularity, prestige, entitlement, activism, intellectual achievement, personal worth, truth, pleasure-seeking, time wasting, productivity, industry, judgment, despair, and more.
The Truth About Ambitious Parents
One of the primary roles of parents is to be a leader of their children. Dedicated, motivated parents are usually one of two kinds of leaders; ambitious leaders or led leaders.
How to Thrive When You’re Trapped Inside
Trapped! That’s what many people feel like they are right now. Many children are complaining of being bored, or worse, having way too much screen time.
The Artificial Extension of Childhood
Are we holding our children back? In the past 80-100 years, society has started holding children back with an artificial extension of childhood instead of empowering them forward toward purpose and adulthood.
Negative Consequence Rutt: Parenting Tips
My 7 year old has had discipline “issues” for 1 and 1/2 weeks consistently every morning during “school time”. He gets so frustrated with me when I calmly let him know that he earned another “consequence”